Roth IRA secrets – 7 reasons why a Roth IRA trumps a Traditional IRA


Accumulated wealth inside a Roth IRA is 100% tax-free and will not be taxed at the time of withdrawal. The power of this benefit is truly realized when there are significant capital gains within the portfolio,Roth IRA secrets – 7 reasons why a Roth IRA trumps a Traditional IRA Articles or in investments with longer time horizons (which allows greater time for compounding growth and magnification of your portfolio size).


The Roth IRA is the only investment plan that truly lets you capture 100% of capital gains on a tax-free basis. If these same capital gains where made inside a 401k or traditional IRA plan, at the time of withdrawal they are CONVERTED to ordinary income at are taxed as earnings in that year. Traditional IRA plans and 401K plans have the effect of converting your portfolio capital gains into taxable income at the time of withdrawal.


Unlike traditional IRA plans, Roth IRAs have no required mandatory withdrawal dates based on your age, and therefore allow you a longer time horizon for portfolio compounding and capital gains growth. Inside traditional IRA plans you are required to made mandatory minimum withdrawals (that will be taxable) after 70 years of age.


Your heirs will not be required to pay tax on the benefits received from your Roth IRA plan. In contrast, taxed would be need to be paid by your heirs to receive the benefits of a traditional IRA plan.


In the event you need to access funds in the event of an emergency, the Roth IRA plans treat withdrawals differently that a traditional IRA. You don’t pay tax on withdrawals from a Roth IRA until the amount exceeds your actual contribution amounts paid in. This is not true of an IRA, and you will also face an additional early withdrawal penalty in many cases.


In this article we have covered 7 of the powerful investment benefits you can reap holding a Roth IRA plan. Only your professional investment advisor can advise if a Roth IRA is right for your circumstances. Take the time to learn more about the power of a Roth IRA plan and contact your advisor today. It may be the best investment move you ever make.